Memberships and Partnerships

EUCLID is remarkable and in many ways unique for its extensive network of institutional relationship. As an intergovernmental university with Participants States spanning 3 continents, it is a member of both AAU and AUAP. As a treaty-based institution, it is – alongside dozens of UN Member States, a Party to the IACA (International Anti-Corruption Academy) Statutes. EUCLID commitment to global engagement is at the heart of its institution charter and identity.


EUCLID is a full member of the proper regional association of recognized/accredited universities (with reference to the Headquarters State), which is the Association of African Universities (AAU). Based in Accra, Ghana, the AAU is internationally connected and facilitates inter-university cooperation and recognition.

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EUCLID is a full member of the proper regional association of recognized/accredited universities (with reference to the Headquarters State), which is the Association of African Universities (AAU). Based in Accra, Ghana, the AAU is internationally connected and facilitates inter-university cooperation and recognition.

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EUCLID is an associate member of The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). It is a rapidly growing Washington, DC based organization of over 170 academic institutions and other organizations from around the world engaged in addressing global health challenges. CUGH was established in 2008 with generous funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation.

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In his personal capacity as chief officer of an accredited institution of higher learning, the EUCLID Secretary General is a member of the International Association of University Presidents, based in New York.

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EUCLID is an institutional member of the Academic Council on the United Nations system, a UN-linked global network based at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. ACUNS published in 2014 in its journal an article authored by EUCLID faculty members.

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Launched in early 2017, the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE) was developed over the course of 2016, born from a meeting at the December 2015 COP-21 conference in Paris.


The United Nations Academic Impact, also known by its acronym UNAI, is a United Nations initiative to align institutions of higher education, scholarship and research with the United Nations and with each other. Since 2010, UNAI has created a vibrant and diverse network of students, academics, scientists, researchers, think tanks, institutions of higher education, continuing education and educational associations.


EUCLID is a metter of HIFA (Healthcare Information For All). HIFA is is a global social movement to improve the availability and use of healthcare information in low- and middle-income countries and protect people from misinformation. It has more than 20,000 members (health workers, librarians, publishers, researchers, policymakers…) committed to the progressive realisation of a world where every person has access to the healthcare information they need to protect their own health and the health of others.


The Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative exists to catalyse the development of globally responsible leadership and practice in organisations and societies worldwide. It is the leading incubator for innovation and new practice in business schools and for collaboration with business in the space of ethics, responsibility, and sustainability.

We bring together an international multi-sector community – leaders, practitioners, professionals, academics and the next generation – to create awareness of the need and urgency for responsible global action and to equip individuals, organizations and societies to respond to this call.

GRLI is not a think tank or a member-serving organisation. It is a think-and-act enabler; a global community of responsible action with the ultimate measure being its aggregated impact. We operate as Communities of Responsible Action (CoRAs), meeting physically and virtually, focussed on initiatives that result in new knowledge and practice.


The International Association of Bioethics (IAB) facilitates contact, networking and exchange of ideas and resources amongst those working in bioethics and related fields in different parts of the world. The IAB encourages the development of bioethics research, teaching, and practice, while upholding the value of free, open, and reasoned discussion.


EUCLID was accepted as a member of PRME in 2015. As a intergovernmental institution dedicated to preparing globalized civil servants and leaders for the 21st century, we not only remain committed to integrating the Principles of Responsible Management Education throughout all our institution’s efforts, but hope to help lead the way in developing new ways of teaching the competencies needed in the ever-evolving, ever more complex global business environment that is the 21st century.

The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is a United Nations Global Compact sponsored initiative with the mission to inspire and champion responsible management education, research, and thought leadership globally. The Six Principles of PRME are inspired by internationally accepted values, such as the Ten Principles of the Global Compact. They seek to establish a process of continuous improvement among institutions of management education in order to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges faced by business and society in the 21st century. Currently, over 500 signatories have joined PRME representing 80 countries. PRME’s Steering Committee is comprised of global and specialized associations.

Learn more at | EUCLID’s Progress Report (2016)


EUCLID became a CAFRAD partner by inter-IGO MoU in 2008, and developed this relationship to a full partnership and Joint Degree Program initiative in 2005. Together, EUCLID and CAFRAD present a Master’s degree in International Public Administration (MIPA) to prepare outstanding public administrators.

CAFRAD (African Centre for Education in Public Administration) is an intergovernmental organization established by treaty in 1970, currently serving 36 Member States.

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The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is an international organization based in Laxenburg, Austria. It is the first global institution of its kind, dedicated to overcoming current shortcomings in knowledge and practice in the field of anti-corruption and seeking to empower professionals for the challenges of tomorrow.

The organization was initiated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, INTERPOL, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the Republic of Austria, and other stakeholders. It became an international organization on 8 March 2011 and comprises of a significant and ever-growing global constituency of UN-Member States and intergovernmental organizations. IACA is an observer to the UN General Assembly


EUCLID is an institutional member of the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI), an initiative of UNESCO and the United Nations University.

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EUCLID is an educational partner of the World Mediation Organization, the world’s premier international network of experts, consultants and practitioners in mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution.

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EUCLID is an educational partner of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the affiliated body of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the world’s second largest intergovernmental institution after the United Nations. Under a formalized agreement, EUCLID and ICCI jointly present an MBA in Islamic Finance and associated scholarship opportunities.

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EUCLID is an educational partner of COMESA-LLPI, an intergovernmental organization serving 9 Member States and affiliated to the Common Market of East and South Africa, a 400 million citizen regional trading block. Under a formalized agreement, EUCLID and COMESA-LLPI will jointly present an MBA in Leather Commerce and Industry, with associated scholarship opportunities.

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EUCLID is by Statute a member of the Euclid University Consortium (Euclid Consortium of Universities) which was established in 2006. It was the Consortium which developed the initial programs that were adopted for intergovernmental capacity-building, leading to the formation of EUCLID in 2008.

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EULER is a specialized institution of open higher learning to be established in 2020 with EUCLID support and a pre-approved cooperation convention.

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